Why Visiting Card Printing Option Suits Your Business The Most

Bibek Chatterjee

September 27, 2022

Why Visiting Card Printing Option Suits Your Business The Most thumbnail

When you get the opportunity to knock the market with cost-effective branding, why not go for it?

That’s what a business card does!

In today’s world, people tend to ignore it because it is not digital collateral. But business cards hold the power of greater audience reach. A single business card can get distributed to many hands enhancing your brand value.

The good part is, if you can make your visiting card printing shine bright, surely it will take a toll on successful branding.

Why Visiting Card printing is a Successful Strategy

Imagine a person standing alone on the road and distributing loads of cards to random pedestrians. You will probably not receive it and even if you do, you will surely let the card left on the road.

That is definitely not the purpose of a business card.

A custom business card is used for –

· Displaying a unique business proposition

· When talks over businesses are going on between two big clients

· It is also given as a token of appreciation showing respect to each other

Imagine, you distribute tons of visiting cards, and if your visiting card design is perfect you will get to grab your attention in an instant. The feel-good factor will hit instantly, and your potential client may start making a decision in a positive direction.

How To Select The Best Visiting Cards for Best Business Display

If business cards are all about displaying a business’s unique values, then it is quite mandatory you should focus on display.

Here are the most important 4 factors to consider to make your visiting card design a success –

Size & Shape of Visiting cards

Make it crisp, precise & easy to reach out.

Visiting card printing

Ensure the printing stands out with a high resolution.

Finishing of visiting card

Go for 300 GSM Glossy or Matte finish.


Adding lamination to the visiting cards will be an extra bonus to enhance the premium factor.

What Are the Best Sizes of Visiting Card Printing

In the vast online world, you will find loads of options for visiting card printing for a tremendous amount of attention. People go for various sizes & shapes but not every time it works as a charm.

That is why you must ensure your visiting cards get printed at the size of 89 mm X 54 mm. It is the standard size and is used worldwide.

That small and easy-to-carry factor of business cards will be people’s easy choice to keep it. It is ideal to stick with a rectangular shape for the visiting cards as this standardized form is used all over the world.

Why Designing the Business Cards

Yes, there is no doubt that designing your visiting card is important.

Your business card will convert into calling cards or will get converted to the first point of contact. To increase the interest of potential clients’ minds, the premium design will play a major role when a person gets the card in their hands. The entire picture states the fact of how weightage the visiting card design is.

Here comes the best options if you want to make your visiting card unique –

· Visit ARC Print and start using their easy DIY tool and create your unique visiting card design

· Visit ARC Print, go to the business cards and go for the pre-designed templates

Pick one and start designing it for a greater audience display.

Single or Double-Sided Visiting Cards – Which is Best

It is quite a common confusion to hit when you dig into the visiting card printing, the aim is to make the card recognizable and only the double-sided visiting card can do it.

Though it is okay if you want to go for single-sided visiting card printing because of the price. It’s a good thing to save some extra amount from your pocket. But it is a temporary saving you are making.

Think about the big picture – when your double-sided visiting card can show the best displays and with time, the number of the audience grows. It is definitely not the case when you go for single-sided printing.

Stats say that double-sided visiting cards are more useful than single-sided ones. In fact, the percentage is quite higher of single-sided visiting cards getting placed in dustbins.

So, it’s always a wise idea to invest a little more in double-sided plastic visiting card design without compromising. In the big picture – it will bring you success in the future.

Which Companies Should go for Visiting Card Printing

The line says it all – “What is seen is sold!”

Selling and marketing are the value proposition for every business which means every business must go for visiting cards. Be it small, large, or medium – a business card is your business identity with sheer professionalism.

So, if you are running a business or any business, you must go for visiting card printing today.

Where to Use the Business Cards

If the business cards are all about making your business stands out high, then they will surely make a great initial impression.

When there is a big meeting going on, you can use the visiting card for an enlarged vision and attract more crowd into the meeting.

Your unique business card is like being a purple sheep in the world of black and white sheep!

Now, it’s time not to hold back anymore – start creating your visiting card design today and let it get a premium finishing. Start a conversation with your unique visiting cards.

Visit ARC Print India or give us a call at +91 9830 80 9000.