What are The Most Important Elements in A Personalized Visiting Card?


July 18, 2022

What are The Most Important Elements in A Personalized Visiting Card? thumbnail

More than expensive billboards and online marketing, a personalized visiting card delivers more business professionalism to your clients. A well-crafted business card is your ideal way of delivering true branding to the customers.

Do you know how you can make your custom visiting cards attractive?

It’s when you focus rightly on all the subtle business design choices. How you lay out your business cards will decide how the cards will encounter the audience. And if you go right with your design where people can feel the premium quality in hand, surely it will create a positive impression on the minds of your audience.

Here are the top 11 factors that create a standout business card impression in this digitally superseded era.

Individual’s Name & Details

Adding a personalized touch to your business card will be the stepping stone to your business success. If people will try to contact your business, they will surely go by with a reference by having the handy business card on your side. Generally, the company name and the contact’s name must be the most prominent in a business card.

Details of The Organization

Do you know that the details of the organization matter the most from the audience’s perspective? The name of the organization will suit the best if it’s boldly written or the logo is displayed prominently.

Correct Address

Having a physical storefront will be the magnet to attract more people to your business store. That is why you must mention the address on the business card with details by which people can find your store easily.

If your business is completely online, you must enter the website details and mailing address so that people can find your business on the web easily.

Contact Number

Call me? Yes, this is what you have to say to your people. Calling your business by smartphone is just a matter of seconds. Make sure to put a valid business card contact number so that people can find you available whenever they place a call.

Some business includes more than a single phone number like toll-free numbers, fax number, or direct line.

E-mail Address

What’s in the mail? Undoubtedly today’s world experiences the reign of digital flux and everything can go right if you put all the correct information. E-mail is one of the vital ones. Your online business must have a valid support and mail address where it can let people engage easily with your online platform.

And if you are worried about your e-mail address getting spammed, it will be ideal for a separate business mail for inquiries only.

Valid Website Address

If there is no website, there will be no business! The saying is highly applicable in today’s world. Having a functional web platform is highly required to welcome your visitors. It is also an essential element of a business card. Include the domain name with a proper URL so that people can find you online easily.

Business Job Title

Adding the specific job title to your business card can validate branding and help to increase the business’s appearance as a large company.

Descriptions & Taglines

How to make your branding go powerful on your personalized visiting card? It’s by adding 1 or 2 lines as a description or taglines. It will help you to show business personality in a direct branding mode.

Brand Logo

Do you know why every business must go for its own logo? It’s because the brand logo shows business professionalism and also indicates a greater appearance of your business. It helps to create a remarkable business impression by building your brand.

Graphics Matter

Want to make your business card stand out? It’s time you must focus on the other crucial factor which is adding a creative logo. Eye-catchy graphic images perform excellent branding and impact deep into the minds of your audience.

List of Products & Services

Opting for 2-sided business cards? If yes, then you can go for adding the list of services and products in brief. You can use the back side of the business card to list out all the things your business offers.

Summing It Up

So, what are you up to now? You got the access to unlock crucial elements of how to design an effective business card and now it’s all about the right implementation. If you find it tough to remember all the things, just follow the blog while you start your personalized business card printing.

Adding all the things together will surely help you make a custom business card that will make a memorable first impression on the minds of clients. Be it for quality, thickness, and paper finish, it’s always a wise idea to rely on top-rated and color-intense printing.

The Right Printing Platform for Your Personalized Visiting Card

All the boxes are ticked and now just one part left – and it is to find the best business card printing solution. ARC Print delivers quality printing in the most affordable way. At ARC Print, you will experience a true form of new generation printing that you have never experienced before. Not only that but the pricing will always be affordable, and you will not find the pricing even on other top printing vendors.

At ARC Print, you will find two options –

· Upload your design if it’s ready

· Select a template if your design is not ready

On both these steps, you can perform little to moderate customizations for a stand-out business card.

As wise men say it’s always better to focus on branding and successful business people know how effective it is to create an elegant personalized visiting card. And now you got all the recipes to make your boxes get ticked right in every corner.

Personalized visiting card printing gets right even when you don’t have any design skills. It doesn’t matter if you are a designer or you don’t have any design skills – you can create your business cards with the best printing solution to create a long-lasting impact.