8 Visiting Card Designs Ideas You Cannot Ignore in 2022


September 7, 2022

8 Visiting Card Designs Ideas You Cannot Ignore in 2022 thumbnail

It is safe to call visiting cards mini portable advertisements for a brand or person. They come with built-in calls to action. But how you win over visiting card designs is as important as having one. Designs make a card visually appealing and command attention. An improved visiting card design assures improved business. In 2022, business cards are seeing quite a few experiments that are worth the buzz. If you are looking for design ideas to shop visiting cards, then you’re at the right place.

What are some trending visiting card designs?

Scratching your head as to where to get started? We got you! Read on to find some inspiration and ideas for 2022 to get the ball rolling.

  • Advocate visiting card
  • Medical visiting card
  • Music visiting card
  • Agriculture visiting card
  • Bakery visiting card
  • Accounting visiting card
  • Doctor’s visiting card
  • Graphic designers’ visiting card
  • Advocate Visiting Card

As an advocate, you should never miss a well-designed visiting card as you never know when a client will need you. Advocates need to handle thousands of paperwork and long calls which makes it very difficult to answer queries of people who could be your clients. Having a business card lends credibility to your work & designation. Besides contact numbers, you can also insert your qualifications and years of work experience. Before getting one, check the color, fonts, content, and design to leave a great impression.

  • Medical Visiting Card

Every hospital gets visitors who are there to seek information. While doctors can have their own visiting cards, medical service providers also need to stay put with all relevant information that a patient or patient party might need. Make sure that emergency services, ambulances, timings, and addresses are clearly communicated. Medical visiting cards are also great for medical professionals, consultants, medical technicians, or caregivers. The designs under this category are more formal and fall under the professional visiting card category.

  • Music visiting card
musician visiting card

Whether you are a budding musician new to the creative industry or running a full-fledged music studio – you will need well-designed music visiting cards. Since this is a creative industry and an extremely competitive one, don’t hold back from going dapper and unexampled. Customize your visiting card designs with bold colors and impressive fonts to attract people’s attention.

  • Agriculture visiting card

Agricultural farms do a diverse range of work that is often not understood. Work and services vary from season to season, and on the type of the farm. There are farmers who work on an everyday basis or some are contractual. Since it’s a business in full bloom, having visiting cards is crucial. Design your agriculture visiting card with vibrant colors, an address line, and contact details.

  • Bakery visiting card

Have you finally made your passion your career? If you are a baker who’s just started you should definitely get yourself an attractive business card to get started. A visiting card will add legibility to your work and people will take you & your bakery seriously. Bakery visiting cards do not have to be boring. Get your imaginative juices flowing and print custom bakery visiting cards to upscale your business and dreams.

  • Accounting visiting card
managers business cards

Accountants do not fall under a singular category. There are a dozen different roles under the same profession (forensic accountants, financial accountants, tax accountants etc.) Since each role comes with specific skills and tends to different customers, having an accounting visiting card will make things a lot easier. People will know your exact skills, designation, and years of experience. Besides that, they will have the chance to reach out to you directly on the basis of their requirements. Accounting visiting cards are a great way to increase your exposure and clientele.

  • Doctor’s visiting card
healthcare business cards

Again, doctors have different designations and expertise on the basis of which they offer healthcare to ailing patients. For example, a cardiologist is very different from a psychiatrist. For the same reason, create a unique doctor’s visiting card for yourself. Choose a formal template, a fine color palette, and the right content to read it. Patients and patient parties can reach you directly when the need arises and can skip long queues to get what they require.

  • Graphic designers’ visiting card
graphic designer business cards

If you are a graphic designer, you will need more than a portfolio. As you are on the go, carry creative visiting cards with you to not only advertise your work but also provide built-in CTAs. Since you are a designer, people will expect your visiting card to be the most stunning and eye-catchy one. Get creative as much as you like but do not skip on adding the most important details. Your clients and potential clients will not only have increased confidence in you but can also share the same card with someone who’s looking for similar services.

No matter how much the world has gotten digitized, a visiting card brings a personal and direct touch. When you are traveling or meeting people in different places, you’ll need a visiting card design to make yourself known as you clarify what services you offer. Without any further delay, get yourself a visiting card today.