Medical Profession Document Scanning
Enhance the good health of your medical records by securely digitising your patients’ hard copy medical records. To guarantee the highest level of security, your patient’s sensitive information will be scanned and digitised at one of our facilities, then processed with complete compliance and under strict ISO 27001 information management conditions.
How our medical document scanning works
- Medical records are barcoded for inventory control, sealed and securely transported to one of our facilities.
- Records are prepared for scanning.
- Patient Documents are scanned (images captured to digital format).
- Scanned images are quality checked for clarity & completeness.
- Hard copy documents are reassembled for return to the customer, or, original documents are prepared for certified destruction.
- Scanned images are processed into final format deliverable (including file naming and folder structuring).
- Deliverable images would be encrypted and transferred to the customer (via SkySite, SFTP, Thumb Drive, or CD/DVD), for upload into the customer’s EMR system.