Why a Facilities iPad App Might Be Your Most Powerful Tool Yet

David Trask| August 24, 2020

Facilities iPad App

Despite technological advances driving efficiencies in virtually every industry, most facilities management professionals operate with outdated processes. Each day, facility managers waste up to two hours per day wading through bulky binders and old fashioned disks in search of critical building information.

This is the current reality of the facilities management industry, but the future will look much different.

facilities management

Even today, armed with Facilities Apps and an iPad, early adopters of this technology are separating themselves from the pack with supercharged productivity.

In this paper, we’ll show you how, with the tap, pinch, and pull of a screen, facilities apps can increase productivity across your organization.

While you’re certain to discover more ways this technology will drive efficiencies, in this paper, we’ve outlined the following five:

  1. Increased productivity with indexed, searchable documents, drawings, and more.
  2. Improved bandwidth for more work (with fewer resources) by avoiding reworks resulting from organizational inefficiencies.
  3. Leveraged cost savings with convenient tracking of warranty time frames and repair costs.  
  4. Improved collaboration with a single, shareable digital source of data.
  5. Enhanced data management to help avoid brain drain from employee turnover.

To learn more, download your copy of “5 Ways Facilities Apps on iPads Supercharge Productivity.”

Or, watch the webcast for actionable steps from industry experts on running a more productive facilities management team. In this webcast, you’ll get a live look at additional features on the iPad Facilities Dashboard including:

  • Intuitive user interface to bridge the technological gap between digital and analog generations.
  • Smartphone and tablet-friendly display to serve you and your employees on the go.
  • Offline access for use in unconnected building areas.
  • Easy markup capabilities for simple note taking and collaboration.
  • Cloud-backed data storage solutions to ensure easily accessible and secure data.

Have questions? Give us a call at 833-272-8880 or contact us here