Braille Signages

Make Spaces Inclusive With Braille Signage

Braille Signage – Navigate with Confidence

Braille signs are a series of raised dots that convey a message to visually impaired people and help them understand the message by simply touching the dots. These raised dots in this signage represent different alphabets, letters, words, and numbers that define the purpose of the message. At ARC Print India, we understand the importance of facilitating seamless navigation for visually impaired individuals, allowing them to live a self-reliant and independent life. This not only improves the accessibility of their facilities but also promotes a welcoming environment for everyone by installing braille room number signs, directional signs with arrows, push and pull signs, braille exit signs, etc.

Why Choose ARC Print for Braille Signages?

From initial concept, and design to installation, our team of experts provides comprehensive support to accomplish your signage assignment with utmost precision and efficiency.

Cutting-edge Technology

We are equipped with the most advanced technology that makes us capable of delivering braille signage with precision and consistency, guaranteeing easy readability with touch for visually impaired individuals.

Commitment to Compliance

At ARC Print, we always keep ourselves updated with the latest compliance regulations ensuring that our braille signages meet all regulatory guidelines while improving navigational accessibility for the visually impaired.

Experience and Expertise

We have a team of professional experts who hold years of knowledge as well as expertise in crafting braille signages, ensuring easy understanding and seamless accessibility for blind individuals.

Different Types of Braille Signages

Directional signs:

These signs guide blind people to navigate independently through a commercial building or space, indicating the directions to key places such as elevators, exits, and various other departments.

Room Identification Signs:

These signs help visually impaired individuals in finding specific rooms such as restrooms, washrooms, conference rooms etc.

Informational Signs:

They provide important information about a place such as descriptions, regulations and instructions. These signs are usually observed in hospitals, museums, and other public places.

Regulatory Signs:

These signs convey safety-related information that includes emergency procedures, fire exits, and warning notices, etc. ensuring all individuals can enjoy seamless navigation, maintaining safety regulations.

Directory Signs:

These are mostly found in entry points and lobbies and offer an overview of a building’s layout, different departments, and rooms. They guide visitors the right way.

Features of Braille Signage Printing

Equal Information to Everyone

Braille signages have filled up the information gap that arises between visually impaired people and normal people. These signs make sure that everyone can access crucial information easily.

Emergency and Security Planning

Braille signages provide crucial information that needs to be easily accessible. It ensures that visual people can receive crucial instructions and guidance during a crisis such as emergency exits, evacuation routes, and safety procedures.


Since they are made from robust materials like metal or acrylic, they are meticulously designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions and hence, they are ideal to use for all indoor and outdoor locations.

Tactile Characters

Braille signages are crafted using raised dots that form characters, words or numbers, allowing visually impaired individuals to read the message simply through touch. Braille signage features raised dots that form braille characters, allowing visually impaired individuals to read through touch

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